running through wet grass

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My Dreams

sometimes nightmares


Its the year of the dragon this year


A few months ago I had a dream that I was hiking through some icy mountain range, I had to hammer in these metal pegs to put my feet on because a lot of the clifs were glacial blue ice. I was in this ancient valley that had these massive ancient ruins and I was collecting these small runic stones, and then I looked up and saw these massive norse giants walking through the mountains. When I woke up I wanted to go to Alaska and see big mountain ranges like that so bad.


I had a dream last night that Jordan and I were in this cottage in the woods, I was stargazing on our porch one night and saw an asteroid falling to earth, it broke off into peices and seemed to bounce in the forest, the largest peice fell further off into the woods but a larger one was right in front of our house, I was filming it with my camcorder but something was wrong with my lense it wasnt clear enough. Jordan came to see that I was okay and I told him I wanted to venture further into the woods to find the other one, because even this peice was bigger than our house and seemed to glow orange from the inside. He was anxious about leaving the cats because they were acting really strange and seemed upset, so we just made sure they were locked in the bedroom with food before leaving. Once we got to the other one it had collided into the road right next to a history museum, that looked kind of modern despite being in such a small town. It already had a perimeter established by the government and people warding off the press so I snuck my way in to try to get more footage, my camera was still acting up and I couldnt see much since it was covered in some big rubbery sheet, so I went into the museum where the feds were holding some kind of conference about it, I tried to be subtle but they knew I was a civilian and they kep staring at me, but before anything else happened I woke up.


Hardly Remember this one besides a few vague visuals, but I wrote down some stuff when I was still delerious after waking up. I was some kind of ghost floating around watching a murder mystery take place, I was trying to motion and show things to the detective. All the suspects and the victims were cartoon characters, Shadow and Amy were dressed in 60's clothing and had been shot and burnt to death for some reason it reminded me a lot of the zodiac murders. Gir was also there he was one of the witnesses. I also remember courage the cowardly dog being there, and I think Ren and Stimpy too.


Side note: I had a dream I still vividly remember a few months before I made this diary, I even wrote it down, I was in some american state with my friends on a layover for a flight, the layout was really specific and I even specifically saw one of those silver shoulderbags that is made to look like a record player, It stuck out in my head a lot to me. I mention this because a few days ago I went to the upper floor of a thriftstore that had just opened and I hadnt seen before and it looked exactly like my dream. Even with that corny silver bag. Maybe im just really placebo-ing myself or misremembering but it shocked me enough that I stood in confusion for a solid few seconds just looking around once I got to that top floor.


I woke up sweating from my nightmare last night. I was alone in the apartment, Jordan was away on vacation. I was in the kitchen and looking at the apartment windows across the alley, and in one of the apartments below me i could see my landlord, but there was blood all over the counters. I started freaking out and then a while later someone was banging on my fireescape door. I noticed it was unlocked so i ran to lock it but then he started barging in, yelling something about me being in trouble for noise complaints. I was too weak to keep the door shut so then when he was inside he started talking about how he's been watching me. How i'm not allowed to leave because there's ghosts in the apartment and he needs to study them or something. He also mentions that I'm not allowed to have people over, since he's been seeing a little boy running around through my windows. That really freaked me out, but before I could ask more about it he started waving a kitchen knife at me, and grabed me. I was struggling too much when he was holding it at the back of my neck and he said I was acting stupid if I wanted to live because he 'could have just killed me by now.' Then he held my head still and started shaving this thin line up the back of my head out of my hair, The blade felt so real i felt the hairs on my neck stand up, even when I woke up I had to feel the back of my head to make sure it was a dream.
