running through wet grass

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My Dreams

sometimes nightmares

Dreams from Childhood

I have a few dreams from childhood that I remember really well for some reason, I'll recount them here.

When I had chronic nightmares and sleep paralasys as a kid, I'd usually call out to my dad when I woke up, I think this annoyed him a lot so to calm he down I remembered he said I could call out to him inside the dream and he'd come save me in the nightmare. That night I had a recourring dream again of me running from this group of gross monstrous men, about 3 of them; Inside a big playplace that I had gone to with my neighbor (only it was much bigger, and dark with high ceilings) They Eventually caught up to me and grabbed me and started gnawing on me but they had no teeth it was only gums, so I called out to my dad and he came and punched them off me and saved me, just like he said.

I used to read a lot of goosebumps (like most kids I think) I really loved them but for some reason the cover of Say Cheese and Die scared the hell out of me. One of my first nightmares I can vividly remember is walking down my street, but it was entirely empty, and then walking to my backyard where my mom was gardening and my dad was chopping wood, but when I called out to them and they turned around THEY WERE SKELETONS!!!

sleep paralasys - In my childhood room for a few weeks I had one of those dollarstore disco balls hanging from my ceiling, One night I had "woken up" and my disco ball had gotten huge, and was slowly lurching side to side. It smashed into my wall and left a huge black hole, and after staring at the hole for some time I saw greenish old woman hands peek out, but the fingers were super long. Then a almost cartoonishly creepy green hag peeked her head out, she even had a black witch hat on, it sounds silly to think about now but I was petrified.

sleep paralasys - This one is a bit more vague, and It happened a lot, but sometimes i'd wake up and see a shadowy version of my nextdoor neighbor standing in the corner of my room, or beside my bed. We were really close friends and he was a 2 years younger than me, the figure was featureless and dark but I could just barely see the same golden bowlcut that my neighbor had in the dark.

After my dad showed me the Thriller music video for the first time, I had a nightmare that night about zombies taking over my school, but I had just finally started to be able to tell if I was dreaming, I think it means this was a lucid dream, because since I knew it was a dream I knew I could get away with something silly to fix everything, so I made the zombies pink lemonade and told them it was brain fluid, and served it to them in the schoolyard at night, they lined up for it and I saved the day it was great.
